Objective: use the orbs to reflect the light provided by the candlestick to find the trapdoor hidden on each level 

Controls: mouse point and click

Click on the orbs to  swap the direction of their light and click on the Trapdoor to complete the level


All programming, level design and ideation: Cole Gilson

Music: OSRS theme created by Jagex

Sound effects: Magic sound effect by Mareng B available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur1BXp1H7Cc

assets and tile sets for levels: Created by: Pixel_Poem available for download at: https://pixel-poem.itch.io/dungeon-assetpuck

miscellaneous objects for levels (orbs, trapdoor): Created by: shikashipx available for download at: https://shikashipx.itch.io/shikashis-fantasy-icons-pack

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